Run by : Sri Ramakrishna Sarada Educational Trust

1/518, Ayyampatti Village, Airport Post,
Trichy - 620 007.

Wish You Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year.     by SCHOOL MANAGEMENT.



We have spacious laboratories with all the modern facilities to encourage our young scientists to Observe, Experiment, Predict and Arrive at logical conclusions.

Computer Centre

This is our School's state-of-the-art Technology centre featuring the latest computers with high speed internet connection. Apart from regular labs for secondary school students, the primary school students are also introduced to Computers through fun games and interactive sessions. We also help our students cultivate and practice using the internet constructively as a knowledge repository tool.


The laboratory activities in high school physics is an experience in itself. A starting place for the systematic development of students’ ideas, the physics lab acts as a creative center and testing ground for the curricula based experiments and also hobbyist experiments by the science club.


The expression "hands-on, minds-on" summarizes the philosophy we have incorporated in these labs. Students learn best if they are actively engaged and are able to link their experiments to understand important biological concepts.

Math lab

The ' MATH LAB ' provides wide variety of materials to play with and learn the concepts. The purpose for teaching math through the use of hands-on activities is because math is a life-long skill that must be internalized rather than learned through just memorizing.


Students are encouraged to cultivate good reading habits and use the library as an important centre for learning.

Books and magazines from across the world adorn its shelves. Each child can chose its own corner and explore history, literature or science undisturbed. Personal supervision is extended to every child to improve his reading and speaking abilities.

Communication Lab

English and Hindi are some of the languages that are taught with audio and Dictaphone facilities in these language labs. This equips the child to build better interpersonal relationships and emerge a winner globally.


“Seeing is believing”. This multimedia theatre provides a perfect backdrop for the child to not only read the curriculum but also see it come alive in this multimedia theatre. This ensures that any ambiguity in the mind of the child is resolved.


The expression "hands-on, minds-on" summarizes the philosophy we have incorporated in these labs. Students learn best if they are actively engaged and are able to link their experiments to understand important biological concepts.

Montessori Education for Kids

Bus Facility


Spacious Class Rooms

Cultural Activities

Calm & Quiet Atmosphere for Studies

Trained Teachers

Vast Area For Playing